cace  career college


ELECRONIC HEALTH RECORDS SPECIALIST                                                         EKG/TELEMETRY PROGRAM












This program is designed to prepare a student to work as an EKG Technician in a physician's office, hospital, clinic, or other health care organizations.


​​The EKG/Telemetry Program provides students an understanding of:


  • ​the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system
  • ​the functions of the circulatory and pulmonary system
  • ​medical disease and disease processes
  • ​medical terminology
  • ​​basic EKG interpretation, troubleshooting and tracing
  • safety of patients including medical and legal aspects of patient care





This program is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue a career as an Electronic Health Records Specialist. Upon completion you will be able to demonstrate an understanding of electronic health records (EHR) systems, software applications and appropriate medical terminology to use with EHR systems in the medical field.




Registered with the: Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools    |  | Columbus, Ohio  | Tel: 614.421.7003





 Columbus Outpatient Collection Center and CACE  All Rights reserved 2018

  • ​the anatomy and physiology of the heart
  • ​heart diseases and disease processes
  • ​the circulatory and pulmonary systems
  • ​the conduction system of the heart
  • ​medical terminology
  • ​safety including medical and legal aspects of patient care

​​The practical hands-on training includes:

  • ​lead placement for 12 lead EKG machine
  • ​basic EKG interpretation/troubleshooting

​​Advanced clinical training includes:

  • ​EKG strip analysis
  • ​recognizing artifacts, troubleshooting and tracing problems